Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Kids say the darndest things part 2163

I gotta tell ya. This kid...he kills me.

Even when he doesn't try he's funny. Apparently however, I need to work with him. I need to explain a few things about our religion a little more clearly.

You see this is our pastor.

Pastor Aaron. He's a great pastor. He makes me want to learn more about our religion. It has come to my attention that Bradan reveres him a little more than I do though.

Yesterday, I was looking at our church website trying to find some dates for our Christmas program to tell my MIL. As I'm scrolling, Bradan is sitting on my lap and when he sees this picture of Aaron he shouts.



It's GOD!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Oh my gosh, too frickin funny!!