Friday, August 29, 2008

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL???

I can't believe it is finally here. The beginning of football season. I am so stoked for next Thursday's season opener. Six years ago if you had asked me when the season opener of football was I would have laughed at you, I would have also laughed at you if you tried to get me to eat an onion, or a tomato or if you told me in 6 years not only would I be eating onions and tomatoes (amongst a whole slew of other things) but that I would not only know when the season opener in the NFL was, but that I'd be excited about it.

Yeah, it's ok, I used to be narrow minded, I know.

Ok, so maybe that hasn't changed...THAT much.

Shut up, this is my story.

Anyway, Brian; my husband is the reason for all the new and wonderful things that I have experienced over the last few years. And some of the really crappy ones too, like blood pudding and head cheese. Seriously? That shit should just not even have to be made. This isn't the 1800's there are better food choices people. Check into them, but anyway sorry...

Like I was saying, B and I were dating and he liked football and I laughed and said something incredibly deep and meaningful like: "football is stupid." With which he countered (and it wouldn't be the last time I heard these infamous words) "Have you tried it?"

Tried it, like it's some delicacy that I was missing out on. Seriously dude, it's football. It can't be that exciting.

But I luffed him so, less than I do today but still enough to sit down and say, ok...explain it to me. And we watched...and I learned...and I loved. And then just when I couldn't get enough he taught me about FANTASY FOOTBALL which is nearly as addicting as heroin I would guess...not that I would know, but I would guess. From what I've heard.

And the next thing I know my days and my weeks are consumed with football players and teams and their statistics. I love statistics. Did you know you can predict trends based on statistics? I am excellent at creating a spreadsheet to determine the likelihood that a team will give up more than such an amount rushing yards against a particular defense. It's creepy. And a bit nerdy. And a helluva lot of fun!

So now I've drafted one of my three fantasy football teams for this year and I can't wait for the players to take the field so I can sit in my recliner 3-4 days a week cursing and cheering each of MY respective players with every move they make. I love this game!

So tell me HAVE YOU TRIED IT???

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