I for one never thought the day would arrive. My son was just not having it. As the older of the two I knew that there was little chance of his shadow (aka Kenzie, aka Janie, aka Pumpkin Pie aka...) taking to it either. But finally one glorious day he just started going. She was fully independent within 6 months of him finally taking the plunge!
That day I went from Chief Butt-Wiper to Chief Messcleanerupper. Whatever do you mean you might ask? If he's advanced to The Big Potty then there should be no more messes. Right??? Wrong! Bradan in his exuberance of this new found grownup-ness decided to challenge me in ways I never thought possible.
For instance one day we have this exchange...
Bradan: I gotta potty!
Me: can you do it? Do you want me to go with you?
Bradan: I can do it by myself! (he proceeds to the bathroom...alone)
5 minutes roll by...there is some serious clanging and banging going on in the bathroom, I can't for the life of me figure out what my kid is doing in there that would cause this huge amount of racket...
Me: You need help? Are you all done???
Bradan: Nope, I'm still doing it.
Me...maybe I better go check....
this ladies and gentleman is what I found...
Oh yeah he went there, not only did he go there but a few days later I caught him doing it again only this time, he wasn't trying to PEE in the potty, instead he shat on my floor, from 3.5 feet in the air!
Bwahahahahah. OH my. That picture will come back to haunt him one day, LOL!
Billy Madison!!
LOL, that Bradan is a piece of work!
How long does this kid take to pee? I can't believe he was there long enough to get a picture!
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